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Designing Solutions. Accelerating Business.

Asset Disposition

IT Asset Disposition



Maximize the End of Use

of your IT Assets





The 9 Steps in the IT Hardware Plus Take Out Process


How IT Hardware Plus Maximizes equipment value through our ‘End of Use Asset Disposition Model’


  1. Our Trained technicians separate equipment received by manufacturer and document with a high level audit. This audit includes:

    • Visual damage assessment

    • Machine type and Serial number recorded

    • Asset number is assigned in our system

  2. Disc drives requested to be wiped or destroyed are separated and documented. The Data Wiping is completed at IT Hardware Plus using White Canyon software. Our R2 recycling partner will document and destroy all remaining drives. A certificate of destruction will be presented at the conclusion of the process.

  3. Our Product Specialist for each industry will establish the equipment to be sold at the system level, component level or recycled.

  4. Fully test, audit and document the equipment to be sold. This is first done at the system level, then extracting components which may be resold separately. (e.g. memory, disk, power supplies, etc)

  5. Using our many industry and end user resources, begin selling the equipment that passed the audit procedure. Our efforts here include:

    • Promote the products in global broker sites

    • Identify bulk sale potential

    • Identify component selling strategy

    • Notify IT Hardware Plus end user sales of this equipment availability

    • Notify service maintenance companies

    • Promote on Ebay and other websites

    • Promote as Specials

  6. Complete the sale of equipment. Proper packing of the equipment to ensure it will survive the shipping process without damage.

  7. Recycle equipment with no secondary market value after efforts to sell are not successful. This equipment is separated and sent to our recycler. This partner uses the R2 process and provides detailed certification.

  8. Create final documentation.

  9. Return to the customer a check or credit towards future purchases.

By allowing IT Hardware Plus 180 days to complete the proper remarketing of your equipment, our 50/50 revenue sharing will return more dollars than other recycling models. Our customers will confirm this statement!

For your Asset Disposition needs, contact IT Hardware Plus.






2755 Pinnacle Drive, Elgin, IL 60124 • Phone: 847-468-8900 • Fax: 847-468-0100 • Email:

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